Wednesday, 14 January 2009

When I was Two...

When I was one
I had just begun
When I was two
I was nearly new
When I was three
I was hardly me
When I was four
I was not much more
When I was five
I was barely alive
Now I am six
I'm as clever as clever.
I think I'll be six now
For ever and ever.


Ethan celebrating his second birthday yesterday.


Hilda said...

Oh, Angela, he's adorable! Please give him a big, happy birthday smooch for me — preferrable on the tummy! :D

Hilda said...

I meant 'preferrably.' Sigh. Wish Blogger would allow comment editing.

tut-tut said...

Two! A great age. What a cutie he is.

Walker said...

I stopped to look at the toy trucks this Christmas just to remember when I was his age. Lovely.

Tash said...

Happy Birthday to Ethan. He's definitely a cutie & a joy to the whole family I bet.

George said...

What beautiful brown eyes Ethan has. I hope he has a happy birthday.

angela said...

Thanks for the good wishes. He had cake with both sets of grandparents and at his creche yesterday. Today he partied with more family and friends. Tonight he fell asleep high on sugar. Wonder what'll happen when he wakes tomorrow and there's no more birthday till next year....that's one for my daughter to deal with :)

Jane Hards Photography said...

Wide eyed wonderment. Very cute.

Virginia said...

A very precious child for all of us to ohhh and ahh over. I feel like the auntie from Alabama. Smooches for this dear birthday boy.

Sometimes I think I put my own grandchildren on too much and then when I see others i am so thrilled. Merci.

Catherine said...

Joyeux anniversaire, Ethan!
So much to see with your smiling eyes !