Sunday, 11 January 2009


Towards the end of last year the results of two separate studies were published:

1. The Swiss are the happiest people on the planet.

2. The Swiss are the biggest consumers of chocolate on the planet.

I must emphasise that these two studies were not in any way related but you can't tell me there's not a connection between those results.


George said...

I agree -- there has to be a connection.

Walker said...

Great looking chocolate.

Virginia said...

I want that piece on the front row with the nuts! NOW!

Catherine said...

I ask for the Swiss Nationality straight away !

Jane Hards Photography said...

Now if it were crisps...
Surely there are non happier than the French. I am one note aren't I.

Anonymous said...

I am now off to eat a whole box. That should make me deliriously happy.

Sharon said...

I think those studies could be right. Chocolate certainly makes me feel better.

Maria said...

It sounds funny but I'm sure it's true!