Friday, 2 January 2009

Sky Watch Friday

There's not much of it but what there is is such a startlingly bright blue I had to share it. This is the winter sky above Valbonne on Christmas Eve, clear, cold and blue. We've had such awful weather recently that I must admit to feeling entitled to this.

To see Sky Watch photos from around the world visit the Sky Watch site.


bass said...

The blueness of the sky is very beautiful...the right description of a perfect day. Happy new year!

magiceye said...

clear cold and blue - perfect!

Anonymous said...

The blue sky together with the color of the houses is beautiful.

Happy new year.

Kay said...

The gorgeous cobalt blue of the sky against the yellowish houses remind me of Van Gogh's paintings. Very lovely Sky Watch capture. Have a terrific New Year!

Small City Scenes said...

Beautiful blue color. MB

Amy @ Living Locurto said...

The blue sky and golden houses are great together.

Gerald (SK14) said...

excellent perspective - nice to see a bit of blue sky

soulbrush said...

what an amazing blueness. happy new year.

Hilda said...

I'm so glad you were blessed with beautiful weather on Christmas eve then. That blue is gorgeous!

And I'm intrigued by those shutters. Are they windows or do they all have little balconies behind them like that one on top?

Indrani said...

After an awful spell of weather such BLUE sky is welcome sight!
Happy New Year!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for stopping by and commenting. I just love shots like this...strong structures against a beautiful color. Nice! said...

I'm glad you had bright blue skies, they are a great mood lifter this time of year!

George said...

You're right -- the blue of the sky is amazing. I can't remember the last time I saw such a brilliant blue sky.

Virginia said...

we'ev not had much blue either. Thanks for reminding us what it can look like. Like the color of the houses against the sky too.

Jilly said...

Love the composition and all those glorious colours. Apparently it's going to be good on Sunday - photography day for us both, perhaps? Having said that, it'll probably rain. Thanks for your comments on the new dogs, Angela. They are coming along a treat.

Anonymous said...

What a beautiful blue sky in winter! Lucky you! :-) I wish you a Happy New Year! :-)

Movie Snap Studio said...

There is so much to ponder in this simple image of the buildings and bare trees and the blue sky.

esnorway said...

Nice pic happy new year

michael bird said...

Love the buildings along with the sky and its blueness. Nifty photo.

Tammie Lee said...

blue sky against the warmer colored buildings is wonderful.

Jane Hards Photography said...

It's the architecture those colours and that sky that are just wonderful together,

angie {the arthur clan} said...

Love the rich hue of your beautiful blue sky. What a lovely capture!

Anonymous said...

What a lovely, scintillating blue sky. You were right to share it. Happy New Year, and thanks so much for visiting and leaving a comment. I like your blog very much.

Arija said...

Beautiful photo, the coulours of the houses go so well with the deep blue of the sky!

Unknown said...

What a great place to watch the sky! Have a great New Year and keep taking photos.

GMG said...

Hi Angela! See you survived the cold, the food and the champagne, and entered 2009 in great shape! ;))
Happy New Year!

Blogtrotter will be posting on Delhi the next weeks; lots to seeā€¦ Hope you like it and wish you a great weekend!

Louise said...

Incredible blue, and I love the foreground!

Loran said...

Great composition and colors in this shot--like a good painting.