Saturday, 14 February 2009

Fete de St Blaise: The Flowers

The parade does two turns round the village and on the second one the participants get really serious about throwing the flowers into the crowd and there's a kind of an ungainly scramble for blooms. Some people even bring baskets to collect as much as possible and the pavements and roads are covered with mimosa blossom and confetti. It's really very pretty.

Whoops! I've just realised it's Valentine's Day...I should have found something red or heart shaped. It just shows how much romance there is in my soul..


Kate said...

It's a lovely image for Valentine's Day!

VP said...

The yellow flower it's not so bad!

Hilda said...

Happy Valentine's Day, Angela! I think your yellow flower is just perfect for today :)

Love your shot of the little child yesterday!

Have a wonderful weekend!

Virginia said...

This bright bloom does nicely. The parades sounds like so much fun. Wish I could see it in person.

abc said...

This flower is perfect for Valentine's Day. Hope you had a nice day.

Catherine said...

A flower yellow as the sun makes every Valentine's Day, Angela.
At least, mine. Especially, tied on a stroller.

Tash said...

This is super pretty and very touching too.