Saturday, 10 January 2009


Tell me: when is it NOT about the shoes?

The sales have started and shoe shops are exhibiting what's left of the party season stock outside at knock down prices. Now's the moment to snap up a bargain.


Tanya Breese said...

Those red ones look fun!

kuanyin333 said...

You commentary is so funny!

Cheltenhamdailyphoto said...

I'll have the black ones on the left please, English size 6. LOL! Lovely shot.

Sterl the Pearl's Daily Pics of Boulder said...

I say black too, classic and chic.:)

Virginia said...

Oh but no. Too high pour moi, but I do love them all.

Jilly said...

Too funny. And just the thing for cobblestones! There's a rude phrase for shoes like this!

Sharon said...

Never enough shoes! That's my motto.

Walker said...

Very colorful.

Anonymous said...

Wow..! Awesome selection of beautiful shoes. Red and pink one is my most favorite.