Thursday, 19 February 2009

A Quiet Moment: The Yucca

A potted Yucca plant basking in the winter sun...


Anonymous said...

This looks almost like a palm of some sort and was surprised to see it is a Yucca.

Abraham Lincoln
Brookville Daily Photo

tut-tut said...

Wonderful shadows. I need to gaze upon it to quieten my dispiritedness upon hearing even more about the overriding greed in the financial world!

Jilly said...

Love this. Beautiful yukka and shadow. Yukkas are such an important part of gardens down here. I love them.

Catherine said...

A little palm tree for apartment. It need sun, and we need to watch its shade on the wall to feel better.

Virginia said...

The shadows ( les ombres?) are stunning against that wall. Great capture!

Saretta said...

The plant is nice, but the wall and door-frame caught my eye. They could be straight out of Italy!