Thursday, 5 February 2009

Nearly There!

A few more metres and we'll be at the top. I've turned and very gingerly, because I really don't have much of a head for heights, have taken a photo of the path behind me and the drop, sorry the view, down into the valley. The path is actually that white stone there slightly to the left of centre. Because of its steepness the path zigzags its way up.
So now filled with a glowing sense of achievement we'll go and have a cup of hot chocolate in the village..


tut-tut said...

Angela, just looking at your photo through the screen is giving me vertigo. I think, were I on this walk, you'd have to lead me along, or carry me. Maybe roll me back like a log. Yikes. Bravo to you!

George said...

I'm ready for that chocolate after this hike. I didn't realize the hike would be so steep.

Janie said...

You've earned the hot chocolate! That was quite a steep path. Nice view of the town below.

Catherine said...

Hope you weren't alone, because it's seems dangerous.
Let me offer you the chocolate cup, you deserve it !

The word verification today is "lessons", really, so I must thank you for the lesson of determination, Angela. To share with us these 3 steps reportage.

Jane Hards Photography said...

This looks like a wonderful place to get a way from it all, but what a hike.

Virginia said...

I need something a little stronger than chocolat s'il vous plait! Yikes I"m dizzy.