Thursday, 13 November 2008

My Dogs

This was going to be another Valbonne cat photo but I've just arrived home from the vet and my poor old boy on the left has arthritis in all his leg joints and an enlarged testicle so we've been discussing a preventative castration....I mind more about their ageing than I do about my own.
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badododobaa said...

Oh I love Golden Retrievers.

I am sorry they have arthritis...but they are very pretty!

Kate said...

They both look contented, and they're beautiful companions. I know what you mean about their aging process; we, too, get awfully attached to our pets.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful dogs. I really love dogs a lot and have had at least one every since I was born 74 years ago. Now, however, our last one died i 2006 and my wife does not want to go through all of that again so she has said no more dogs. I hate it but think it is for the best.

Profile Not Available said...

I love this image - what great symetry! They look like they are perfectly matched companions. Sorry to hear you have been to the vet. I understand what you mean about watching them age. That gets me too!

Jilly said...

Now this caught my eye! So alike, my goodness. Oh yes, get him castrated - that's why I always advocate it then you don't get the problems you are having. He'll be fine afterwards. And Angela, get glucosamine sulphate with chrondritin for the arthritis. It will help along with a medication for pain. I'll write you privately on where to get it via the INternet. It's a good product.

Virginia said...

Oh these two sweet babies! I could cry. My golden had hip diplasia (sp?) and it was so hard. Hope your guy can get some relief . Beautiful capture. I want to give them both a big smooch!
PS I am SOOOO glad you're back!

angela said...

Thank you for your comments. I am glad to be back, thought it was never going to happen to be honest..

Jilly: I'd be glad of any help or suggestions. He's on Rimadyl for the inflammation but he's worse now than in the Summer..oh me, oh my!

kuanyin333 said...

Oh, such sweet dogs! Sorry to hear of the health problems.

Hilda said...

Oh poor baby! How old are they? I completely understand about caring for them more than yourself — we've a 14-year-old mixed breed and just the thought of him passing away… ach!

I hope he finds relief soon.

Jane Hards Photography said...

Oh too sweet. Poor doggie, too be in so much pain is just not fair.